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Brent has just completed his Bachelors Degree in Information Systems from the Univeristy of Phoenix. He is going to stay with his current employer. He now will be able to work on many projects around the house, since he has free time from his school work, although Tiffany and Abbey will be his main focus.


Tiffany, is enjoying being a stay at home mom. It was kind of difficult for her at first, adjusting to being at home all day, becuase she likes to be outside and on the go. She also is beginning to like the Food Channel and learning some new reicpes to try out.


Abbey, there is so much that we can say about her. She is now 14.4 lbs and 25 inches long. She loves to take baths and go on walks with Mom during the day. She has also got in the habit of going to sleep on her own in her crib (We really like that!). She loves to sit in her saucer and bounce and twirl around. She is also starting to eat cereal a couple of times a day, and just loves it! She also smiles a lot and knows how to make her mom and dad happy.

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